This will be brief--just to get the word out--I see no other diaries on this now up. From today's Time:
Fast Food Strikes Go Viral: Workers Expected to Protest Low Wages in 35 Cities ThursdayThere's more of the article at the link above.By Victor Luckerson Aug. 27, 2013
A growing movement among fast food workers to demand higher wages is expected to gain momentum this Thursday as strikes and protests against the country’s biggest restaurant chains spread to the South and the West Coast.
Low-wage workers at fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and retailers such as Macy’s are gearing up for a nationwide strike just before Labor Day weekend. The striking workers are demanding the right to unionize and at least $15 an hour in pay, more than double the current national minimum wage of $7.25. Organizers say Thursday’s strikes could touch as many as 35 cities.
The AFL-CIO also has more information.
As we remember again this week:
We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.